Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Halloween

"Rocky Balboa"- muscles and all...
He was so bummed that I painted his tooth black. This is him begging to take it off.
We did our annual Halloween open house. It was a blast and Ruth/Scott and boys came up and celebrated with us. We had a fun time trick or treating together.This is Max in the bloody "Scream" mask.

Ollie as Harry Potter.

DJ Lance Harper
Piper started as wanting to be: Pink Panther, then a Rooster, a cat, Belle, then the day before Halloween decided on Cinderella.

Ruth took this pictures. I think it is so funny.

my friend/neighbor Melissa- both prego and due on the same day!!

Witch Erin Milford and her family stopping by the party.

1 comment:

  1. I Love your costumes. I started to watch Rocky Balboa from Rocky but then i fell asleep during the movie because it was late.
