Thursday, September 30, 2010

8 is enough!

These next 8 posts are for my family who have begged for pictures. I am sorry they are now backwards! Start Here:

Epsteins join us in Utah...

Happy Pioneer Day!

Summer in Utah....

Archer begged us to fly this time to Utah!

Fun times at Snowbird-
Staying up late and Roasting Marshmallows in the backyard..

Summer in Utah....

hiking to Timpanogos Caves with Sam and Ainsley...

Archer was a trooper- hiked the whole way in the sling wrap. It was SO hot!

Summer in Utah

Here are some snipppets from our 3 weeks this summer in Utah:
-Cooper's Run-

Rock's 1st day of 1st Grade

1st day of school giant cookie- He was excited to eat it when he got home!
Looking back- his 1st day of Kindergarten...

Poor guy- his first day he is always known as "Myles"! See this

Archer 4 months

on August 22nd

Good Intentions

I always good intentions of blogging- This is for all the time that has passed by those intentions. I am sorry to my far away family for not posting more often... Here are some randoms photos and events...
Piper starts soccer- her 1st year!

Myles and Katie are coaching the "Sweet Silver Sparklers" team.

Archer cheering on the Sparklers...