Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's up over here?

This is what has been taking up our time...

This is who to thank for all the photos we have!


  1. Oh my gosh. I love it. I can't believe I haven't been able to snuggle that little guy and can't believe he's already 7 weeks old. And tell Pipes and Rock-A-Doodle I miss them and to video chat with us every once and awhile. The girls would love to say hi. I'm usually signed into Google Chat. Miss you guys.

  2. whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? a post? is it true? I was so stoked to see your name at the top of the list! Cute post and cute pictures. Tell Rock he did a great job! I will be on Archer taking pictures duty when we come over for sure!

  3. Funny cuz Ollie is our photographer. Thanks for the onesie shout out. He looks so daper in his tux.
