Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rocky's Smile

So, this is Rocky and that smile of his-  I can't get enough.


  1. Just so you know, ollie told me when he grows up, he's moving to Camarillo.

  2. Love that you were at the top of my most recently posted list! He is such a cutie!

  3. Wow he looks so different from a year ago I think I was right in front of that same background. He looks like a little man now. I love that kid. He is always so concerned about the feelings of all the kids around him, especially Pipers. What a great guy.

  4. I was just thinking about him the other day. I love his little giggle and miss calling him Rockety-Dockety-Doo. hehe. I'm gonna have to snuggle with him when I get there.
